Sako M591 Tactical Bolt Knob Conversions
Why not set your Sako M591 apart from the rest
with one of our custom tactical bolt knob conversions. Our bolt knobs are amongst the strongest and most stylish
looking upgrades available on the market. Made in house from high grade alluminium and then finished in a very
durable black anodising. Using our special bolt jig we turn down your existing bolt handle and then cut a 5/16
x 24 thread using single point tooling, to which our extended bolt knob upgrade just screws on to.
As you can see from the pictures below we pay great attention to detail, making sure that the new knob blends in
perfectly with the profile of the original bolt handle (where possible)
Our upgrade really will make your rifle stand out from the rest.
Price £90.00 inc. VAT
A few pictures showing our Sako M 591 bolt knob conversion.
The bolt with original ball machined
off and threaded to 5/16 UNF
The finished job
The finished custom extended bolt.
Sako M591 Tactical Bolt Knob Conversion,
extended custom bolt.
Please give us a call to discuss
your requirements
Sako AM 591Tactical bolt knob conversion.
Bedfordshire, Beds, Buckinghamshire, Bucks, Buckingham. Cambridgeshire, Cambridge, Hertfordshire, Hertford, Northamptonshire,
Northampton, Wellingborough. Oxfordshire, Oxford. Newport Pagnell. Milton Keynes, London, Dunstable, toddington,
aylesbury, buckingham, leighton buzzard, Gunsmith services, gunsmithing. Markyate. Gunsmith Markyate. Broomhills